Monday 4 January 2010

Much Better!

Well apart from still having a cold I'm feeling much better. We did have plenty of snow on Saturday night but not enough to prevent me from getting to work. Once out of our village the roads are clear (Apart from ice anyway).

Today has been my day off, it was nice to be off when everyone else was starting back to work (hehe!) This week is my favorite week on my shift rotation at work as I only have to work 1 day and that's tomorrow, then I'm not in again until the following Tuesday, yippee!

Today was a busy admin day, running errands and stuff. The dogs decided to help in that department too. Yesterday when I got in from work I left my bag (complete with lunch box in) in the utility room, whilst I was out today the dogs emptied my lunch box for me and ate the Wotsits that were in there for me too. (obviously they knew I would have left them in there for them to find!), maybe a clue that I should tidy my stuff away when I get in from work!
Anyway I did manage a little bit of agility with the dogs before it got dark tonight and all was well. There is a bit too much snow still at York Road though, I'm hoping it will have melted a little by Wednesday.

We are back to class on Thursday night but I have a feeling Heidi will come into season any day now so she might not get to go after all, still we shall see as on Sunday I am off to AgilityNuts with Brian and Heidi (and a day out for Megan!) so lots to look forward to this week.

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