Saturday 30 January 2010

All Sorts of Training

This week has been a busy week for training, Tuesday Meg had good citizen class and she was a very good girl and much happier this week. We have done all the silver exercises now and she can do them all, we are just spending the weeks going over them and are now starting to work on some of the Gold exercises.

Thursday night was agility and they all did very well again, I need to work on sending Meg ahead a little as when there are 3 jumps in a line she jumps over 2 and runs around the last one, something to work on anyway. Heidi needs to focus more on where she is going and less on me as she almost fell off the dog walk looking for me! Our tyre jump arrived yesterday although we have not had chance to use it yet, I'm hoping the see-saw arrives on Monday and then I'll take them both to York Rd so we can practice.

Today we have been to Flyball, the first one in weeks as it was snowed off for 2 weeks and then they have been away competing for 2 so no training. Brian did very well, remembering everything, I am so grateful to have an easy dog like him, he pretty much just does what he is asked no bother. Heidi didn't start off too well, she wouldn't run to the box as she is unsure of the man who loads it so we did lots of recalling her from the box (and she even let the man hold her harness at the end) and then to get her running to him we threw the ball from us to him, he caught it and put it into the box and then she would happily run to him. I think it will just take a little time with her but she'll get there.

After Flyball I stopped in at work to have a swim for an hour so even I got my training in today too! Tomorrow the doggies are in for a suprise as my mum and dad are coming up for the day and they love having visitors, hopefully the sun will be out and we will get to have a nice walk.

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