Sunday, 28 November 2010

Vans and Snow don't Go!

Well today has turned out to be a really s**t day! The snow has continued to fall on and off this morning but as several cars had been in and out in our road I thought the outside world might not be so bad.

I was due to start work at 3 so decided to set off at 2 giving me an extra 35 mins travelling time. I got about 3 miles away from home (which took ages) and in that time got the van stuck twice, the second time it just wouldn't bugde so I had to reverse down the hill a bit and turn around to head back for home. My mobile phone signal has been a bit iffy today (probably due to the weather) but what a surprise, when I was stuck it had gone off. I made my way back home, getting stuck on a hill once more and the only way to move was to zig zag slowly up the hill. I got back into our road and got stuck about 2 metres from our house so had to be pushed a little way and the van is now abandoned outside our gate!

It won't be going anywhere for a few days until some of this snow has gone (and yes I know we are forecast it for the rest of the week but I'm happy being in denial over that one for now).

Me and Conor had been thinking about getting another 4x4 at some point as a second run around vehicle, it may be arriving sooner than we had planned!

Megan has found a good snow game to play, she runs as fast as she can, throws her front legs forward and back ones out behind and skids along in the snow like a sledge! It's quite amusing to watch.

The pictures are from last year, I'm not loving the snow enough to go out and photograph them today, maybe tomorrow when I have stopped being a grump!

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