Thursday, 18 November 2010


After a successful day of weave training with Megan I thought I'd post a video of her progress so far. I have videoed every session we have done and it is clear to see how much of an improvement she has made. Her performance isn't perfect yet but at the moment she is about 1.5 seconds quicker through the weaves than she first was which is obviously a good thing!

I began some jump grids training with Heidi and Megan today too and it went well. Heidi did have a couple of poles (even though they were on small) but that is due to her getting over excited and not concentrating, when she concentrates she does really well, its a work in progress though!

Tomorrow Brian and Megan have hydrotherapy and this weekend I actually have Saturday off!!! I think I might go Christmas Shopping though as I haven't started yet and could do with getting a chunk of it out of the way as it is fast approaching yet again.

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