Wednesday 14 October 2009

A Little Bit Like Camping

We got to our old house on Monday night just after 10pm, I set up my camp bed and sleeping bag in the bedroom and as we had nothing else there it reminded me of camping. I went to sleep pretty much straight away but I got up in the night to go to the bathroom and when I got back I found Megan curled up asleep inside my sleeping bag on the camp bed, never go camping with her!!

The next morning we handed the keys back and I went to do some photo's of a friends kids and was meeting my other friend Karen at lunch time to collect something from her so I had an hour to kill. I took the doggies for their very last walk on Salisbury Plain. They made the most of it, the weather was beautiful as you can see in the picture and they found themselves a muddy puddle to play in and got very wet and mucky. (Something they all love!)

I must admit we have had some really good walks on the plain over the past 4 years and although I was not sad to move, it's a shame we don't have it on our doorstep anymore. You could walk for hours without seeing anyone and the dogs could just run and run, although we do have some nice walks here and we are still exploring and finding new ones.

Tomorrow is agility class for Brian & Megan and on Saturday we have a busy day as me and Megan are going to an agility workshop with our trainer Lucy and Reno is going too so it will be lovely to see him and Natalie again. My mum and dad are also coming for the weekend and should have arrived by the time we get back from agility so lots going on this weekend and no work either, yippee!

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