Monday 7 September 2009

Prestbury Park Agility

Yesterday we were at Prestbury Park, I got my wish, that Brian's class was not first thing, it was infact last in his ring so he wasn't running until about half four. It was a lovely show, very well run and organised, the only criticism I have was the lack of directions and a postcode that doesn't exist! We got to Cirencester about one o'clock but it then took us over 40 minutes to find the entrance to the park as the postcode on the schedule was not recognised by the sat nav! We were about to give up and go home when we stumbled across it.

Anyway we had some time to kill so Heidi & Megan had some good socialisation, Megan isn't overly bothered about being out and about at shows now, we stood by the loud tannoy and she didn't care, she isn't very keen on being in tents though, even if they have toys and treats. Conor walked Heidi around and she was doing really well until she saw a stuffed dog in the dog games tent and she went nuts at it and everyone laughed at her, poor girl! Outside the tent was an A shaped sign and Conor said she tried to run up it like an A-Frame. Never mind Heidi, maybe it was a blonde day for you!

Brian's class finally came round and we didn't go clear, partly his fault and mostly mine. I wanted to get to the second jump before calling him but I hadn't even made it to the first and he broke his wait and off he went, over jump number one then number six! This then completely threw me and I terribly handled him all the way round with me getting in his way and confusing him. Still we all have bad days. As much as I don't like the early starts, we definitely run better first thing in the morning so dare I say it, lets hope for one at Bromsgrove in a few weeks.

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