Thursday 24 September 2009

Agility Drama

This week we have done quite a bit of training at home with the dogs and it seems to be paying off, Heidi's weaves are improving everyday and Megan was much better at her class tonight. Her confidence has really grown in the past 3 weeks, she is like a different dog, she even played with Lucy this evening, much to her surprise. Megan's favorite obstacle at the moment is the A-frame, she just loves it!!!

Tonight went well up until Brian's lesson. I put Megan into the truck and got Brian out. About 10 minutes into the lesson someone mentioned my hazard lights were going off. I knew Megan would have done it as we had used the truck earlier in the week to go to the tip and the side parts to the grill were not back on so Megan can and does climb through the gap into the main part of the truck. I went out to turn them off and found the doors were locked. Only problem was, my keys and phone were in there. There is a button on the centre part of the truck that locks the doors and she had stepped on it. I tried to get her to step on it again to open it but obviously she wouldn't. Luckily I had put the windows down a little to let some air in and I was just able to squeeze my arm in to open the door. Not like Megan to cause a drama!!! I put on the side parts to the grill anyway and went back to Brian's lesson.

Brian is coming on well, I am always shattered after his class though, it really tiring having to be super over the top excited, my legs were going like jelly towards the end, a hint that I need to get fitter I think. Luckily I was organised today and had prepared a casserole for dinner so as it had been cooking all day it was ready when we got home so all five of us have enjoyed it. (Heidi is still eating hers).

Tomorrow is my last day at home before I start work, I'm really looking forward to it to be honest although I bet by this time next week I'll be wishing I was home all day again!!!

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