Sunday, 23 January 2011

Dog Vegas

Yesterday we were at Dog Vegas in Grantham. I only ended up running Heidi and Kody but that gave me 10 runs which was enough!

Heidi was absolutely manic, having not been to a show for a good while I hadn't expected anything else, she flew her contacts and took 2 attempts at her weaves every time. On the positive she didn't knock too many poles. She did have a fantastic run in the Helter Skelter but we had been eliminated before we started as she had broke her wait without me noticing and ran past the first jump into the tunnel, I took her back and then she ran it clear!

Kody was a very good boy, me forgetting the way and overcrowding him in the weaves, making him come out were the only real issues but it was the first time we had run together. His contacts were spot on which was good. We missed our Helter Skelter run though as I hadn't realised it had moved rings.

So we know what we still need to work on, contacts and weaves-the same as always!!!

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