Sunday, 9 May 2010

Godmanchester Agility

Well we asked for warm and dry and we got wet and windy, I don't know why I'm surprised! Today was a nice pleasant day though which meant the tent was dry when it came to packing it away. Apart from a few minor hiccups which were solved by a visit to Tesco (not enough batteries for the camping light etc) our tent experience wasn't that bad!

Brian had 2 clears over the weekend, his agility today was a bit slower than his jumping yesterday but still quick for him.

Heidi I think was far too over excited at having her daddy back running her. On quite a few of her runs she got eliminated through mad jumping anywhere she felt like and supermanning the see-saw. Her weaves need some training this week too, she is either getting the entry but then is too quick to get the next one or if there are 12 she is missing the last 2. She did have a nice jumping round yesterday though getting only 5 faults for her weaves.

Megan had a go in the practice ring today as I wanted her to have a go with a competition flat tunnel, she had a good few goes at it but where it was windy Conor had to hold the end or she would never have got through it as they hadn't pegged it down. I'm hoping it will have helped with her issue though as next weekend she has her first Grade 1 KC show at Dog Vegas.

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