Thursday, 6 May 2010

Barking Mad

This week the dogs have been away on a little holiday. They went on Tuesday morning and came back yesterday afternoon. They went to stay with a lady called Sandra who takes dogs for holidays with a company called Barking Mad. Me and Conor didn't go anywhere but as we worry a bit about leaving them they went off for 2 days and we were at home so if there were any problems we were not far away. As it happens they had a brilliant time and really liked the lady they went to stay with. They are going again for 2 days next week when me and Conor go to collect the caravan from where we used to live and move it up here.
As we had no dogs we took the opportunity to get the kennels out of the van and put in the new lining and new flooring. It is all back together now, apart from one bolt which has snapped but hopefully that will be sorted today. The van looks so much different and hopefully will be much better now.
Below is a picture before the kennels went back in...

and this one is with them back in...
The two silver panels that are now covered have been left for when we get the new windows fitted in the sides.

This morning Brian got to test out the 'new' van as he has been to Hydrotherapy again, the lady that does it is very good, she really gets him using his back legs which he doesn't do! He did 7.5 mins today, a long way off the 30 mins that he used to manage but he will get there just steadily increasing his time each time we go.

Tonight the girls have agility training at Lucy's and Conor will have Heidi so I only have 1 dog to run for a change! Tomorrow we are off to Godmanchester Agility show ready for the weekend, we are camping and as we haven't got the caravan back yet we are in a tent, I'm really hoping for some dry warm weather!

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