This week he had his very first hydro session. I don't think I could have been any more proud of him, he had his harness put on when we got there and had a shower and was then allowed to explore while Brian was swimming. He ran straight up the ramp and into the water! We kept him out until Brian had finished then he had his first real go, he had a couple of goes where Anne lifted him off the ramp and he swam straight back so he knew where to put his feet down and then he had a couple of goes swimming all the way up the pool and back down, he did it perfectly, as though it was totally natural for him :) We got him out and dry and Brenda had a go and again he ran back up the ramp and tried to get in so he certainly hadn't been put off!! Hopefully ill get some pics next time he goes.
Yesterday Kody went to the Chiropractor as his back has seemed very twitchy, he was a bit out of line and had a lot of muscle tension so hopefully he feels better now. After that we headed down to Jans for a visit. Chaos got to play with his brothers and sister and we took Chaos and one of his brothers for a walk which they seemed to enjoy. Somehow though, stupid me didn't take my camera!!! I have attached a short video clip of them all playing though.
There are still two boys from his litter looking for a home, they are lovely puppies, very confident and outgoing.
Oh we have also had Chaos' KC name confirmed and we got our first choice which I love, Bonvivant Gonna Be Chaos :)
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