Friday 19 October 2012

Starting Training

We have started some training this week, we have only managed one session though and it was quite windy so Kody and Heidi did a session on contacts and weave entries. I took Kody to training last night and apart from a naughty barking moment at the start which resulted in him going back in the van he was a good boy after that.

Chaos has been out and about too. I took him yesterday on a walk that neither of us had ever been on, it was really nice and starts just to the left of our house, I can't believe in the year we have lived here we have never been down that way!

I have been teaching Brenda some jumping too, I don't plan to do agility with her, we really don't need another agility dog but she is used to working and seems to be getting bored so I thought I'd teach her some basics, if anything it will be good practice for teaching Chaos when the time comes. She is such a sweet dog, very affectionate and very keen to work. When we first got her she couldn't jump over a small height jump, she put her paws on the bar but now she can jump a full height jump perfectly although she will continue to learn at a low height.

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