Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Cant do it, Wont do it...

We went to Dog Vegas for their August Show. I judged on the Friday and had a lovely day. I had lots of nice comments about my courses and i actually felt like they ran well. I had Grades 1-3 all heights and 4-5 all heights. It was really nice to see people with their baby dogs having some great runs, made me really look forward to running Pud next year. 

Below are my courses:

We were staying at the show until Monday, Kody tried really hard on some difficult courses, he has knocked a few poles though and really seems to be crashing into jumps so he is resting now for a couple of weeks and I think im going to get him in to see the chiropracter as soon as the agility season is over.

Heidi has been totally different over the weekend, she has broken her wait, flew off contacts, decided to do her own thing and not once has she completed the weaves over the weekend. I have no idea what has got into her. Both me and Conor ran her and she was the same for both of us. I am thinking it may be her hormones but I don't know, she isn't normally affected by and incoming season and she isn't due for 7-8 weeks at the earliest. Tomorrow I am going to try a small amount of training with her just to see what she is like, hopefully its just that she was being a stroppy madam and nothing more.

We decided to pack up early on Monday morning and come home, I got stung by a wasp on Sunday lunch time and my arm swelled up to double its normal size (and still is - my whole arm, hand and above my elbow so its difficult to bend!) and with Heidi being mental and Kody not running brilliantly we came home.

No show this weekend but then we are off to Agility Nuts KC show for the first weekend in September, hopefully Heidi will have a better attitude by then!

Sunday, 18 August 2013

We're Weaving!

I started Chaos' weave training about a month ago, it was going well and we got to about day 4 but then the weather got really hot and I was finding he wasn't really that interested so I decided to stop. Anyway we started again about a week ago and his results have been great. We pretty much went back to the start but today we have managed to get as far as 4 poles and then adding a jump. I'm so pleased with him, its been hard going as in some places he just didn't get it but it now seems to have clicked.
I videoed his training today and posted it below. We are still in the garden as I tried moving to the paddock earlier in the week but he finds it a challenging place to train and when he isn't confident he becomes too easily distracted so we came back into the garden to help build his confidence but will move back to the paddock again soon.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Beach Fun

We have had a nice relaxing week this week although we have done loads! On Tuesday we took all the dogs over to Jans for a BBQ. It was lovely to see people we hadn't seen in a while and catch up. On Thursday we met up with Jan and a couple of others and headed to the beach with the dogs. We took Heidi and Chaos with us and they had a fab time in and out of the sea. Chaos got himself a lady friend or two, in fact he wouldn't leave the girls alone, he was really trying his best to charm them! Not sure how they resisted :) (the picture is Chaos with Bronte and Caviar). Our walk on the beach was followed by another lovely BBQ before we set off home.

We haven't done any Agility training, we have been doing a major refurbish of our equipment, most of it has been outside now for 3-4 years and was looking a bit sorry for itself. The jumps have all been repainted now and are back outside, the see saw should be finished today and we have had to completely build a new dog walk as the old one just couldn't be saved, it was too rotten. Once that's finished this week we are planning to refurbish or rebuild the A frame depending on what it needs and build a few more jumps so we have plenty and then we will be good to go for the winter.

I have added a few more beach pictures at the bottom of the page.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Happy Birthday Kody!!!

Happy Birthday to Kody Bear and all of his brothers and sisters from the 'S' Litter x

Monday, 5 August 2013

Wow, What a Weekend!

I'm not sure we will get a weekend as good as this one again! On Saturday I had a go at doing obedience with Kody at the Belgain Shepherd Show. We did Pre Beginner and Beginner classes and Kody was such a good boy and tried really hard. I was shocked to realise we had won both classes! It's something we are going to continue to do every now and then, im conscious that he may only have a couple of seasons of agility left but I know he will still want to work so the plan will be to do obedience with him then.

Yesterday we went to Scunthorpe Agility Show. I only eneterd Kody in one class as he was doing obedience the day before, I walked it and although it wasnt a course I liked I knew Kody would as he could stay with me. He ran really well and came 5th! Clever boy :)

Below is a video of one of his obedience rounds and his jumping yesterday.

Heidi obviously didnt want to be left out, she had a couple of jumping runs, one with 3 poles, the other daddy got lost and she came out of the weaves (naughty daddy!) but they were clear in the Comb 3-5 Agility (after a very wide turn where Heidi headed for the dog walk not the see saw!) but they still managed to finish in 6th place!

There was still the Adams Derby Qualifier to run, Heidi usually takes a pole on the spread so doesn't get to the jumping part. I briefly walked it with Conor as I wasn't running it but then at the last minute we decided I'd run it with her, she flew round and finished in 3rd place so has qualified for the final next July!!! Such a clever Girlie :)

Below are a couple of her runs from the weekend.