Sunday, 21 August 2011

A chilled weekend

It was my weekend off this weekend and we have had a really nice chilled one. Yesterday I took the dogs for a really good long walk up their favourite muddy stream, as it was hot they all got very wet, muddy and smelly! (You can see by looking at Heidi's muddy legs in the photo) We got back and they all got shampooed before they were coming anywhere near the house. I then spent the rest of the day doing housework, ironing and baked the dogs a salmon cake (which the seemed to love!)

Today we have been to Agility Nuts. Its been forever since we went to a nice small show. It was really relaxed, lovely weather and I think me and all the dogs enjoyed themselves and...we had some good results!

Megan got a 10th place in jumping and had a pole in her Helter Skelter class. I also took the opportunity to do some dog walk training in the practice ring today too and she had about an 80% success rate, only failing when the tunnel was after it!

Heidi has been a good girl too, 3 poles in jumping and 3 poles in Helter Skelter but then a cracking run in agility, no poles! She did slip off the end of the dog walk though so I put her back on. She is really running so well in agility classes now, i'm so pleased with her.

Kody couldn't let the girls take all the glory though, he had a pole in jumping this morning and I got him eliminated in agility (too many tunnels confused me!) but he had a fab run in the Helter Skelter finishing 4th! What a clever boy. (I tried for ages to get his ears up for the photo but he insisted on having them flat to his head-he thinks the rosette is scary!)

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