Thursday 27 June 2013

Going for Gold

Kody and Chaos have started obedience classes again, this time on a Wednesday evening so hopefully ill be able to go a bit more often. Chaos is in the Bronze class working towards his Bronze Good Citizen award. For the first 45 mins last night he hated it, decided walking on the floor wasn't an option and he could only slide along on his belly! Sounds comical I know. By the end though he had settled down and although 'normal' walking still wasnt happening it was a little better. He did do sit and down stays, recalls and showed off his tricks though.

Kody is in the Silver/Gold class and will be working towards his Gold Good citizen. He did lots of lovely heel work and recalls were excellent. His down stay needs practice though, he broke it 4 times in 2 mins!!!

Today they have all done some agility training, I introduced the flat tunnel into some jumping sequences for Chaos, as you can see in the video he is coming along nicely.

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