Monday, 12 March 2018

Kelluki and a Catch Up

So all the show was pretty much washed away by the time we headed to Kelluki show. I took Chaos and Bridget as Heidi was still on rest from having a Myotherapy session the day before. I do love the Kelluki shows, I
love the venue and the show itself is really lovely. 

Bridget only had the one run, allsorts jumping. Ive decided to try this for a while with her to hopefully build a bit of confidence without having to think too much about weaves and difficult courses. This course was perfect for Bridget and she went clear (her first clear round) and finished 4th :)

Chaos' courses were a little tricky. I had only entered him in Jumping and steeplechase but we managed a messy clear in the Comb 4-5 jumping and he finished 3rd. This has also given him enough points for his Silver Agility Warrant so he is now Bonvivant gonna Be Chaos at Borubears AW(S).

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