Monday 15 April 2013

Scunthorpe Show

On Saturday I judged at Scunthorpe Show. For a change the weather was lovely and sunny, a little bit windy but nothing too bad. I had Anyzise Jumping and then Small, Medium and Large C1-4 Jumping. 

I am finding judging quite interesting, some people take very different lines with their dogs compared to the more 'obvious' routes. I have also found that in the classes I have judged there have been very few collie's that have gone clear and I haven't purposely set courses more suited to ABC dogs they just seem to have worked out that way.

Below are my courses from the weekend.

I didn't use a flat tunnel in the C1-4, I used a rigid tunnel instead as it was already in place so saved time on the course change.

I took Chaos with me as it was a long day for him to be left at home. He was OK at first and trotted around, still wouldn't say hi to anyone. At lunch time it was a bit windy and the wind flapping one of the tents freaked him out and he really wasn't happy after that. I got him out of the van a few more times at the end of the day and took him to about 20metres in front of the van and got him to do his tricks, that was about as far as he was happy with. Next weekend we are at Lincoln show, I plan to keep him away from the rings and work on his confidence around the parking area, exercise area and camping and we will go from there. Lincoln is a big show so don't want to spook him even more!

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