I love Lincoln show, its nice and close to home, a massive exercise area to run the dogs and this year the sun was shinning :)
I had only entered Saturday but I actually wish I had entered more. Kody had 2 runs 1 Agility, 1 jumping. The jumping course I decided to take my own line as I really couldn't get my head around a bit in the middle but he did everything I asked. The agility class had a very tight weave entry out of a tunnel, lots of dogs missed it including Kody and he had a refusal somewhere in there but generally a very good run.
Heidi was lovely to run this weekend. Very calm, only 1 E which was my fault, in her other classes she had 2 with 5f and one with 20f. She is running so well though at the moment considering the lack of training we have done. Maybe the break is doing her good.
Brian and Brenda had a good day of socialising, they love to say hello to people and make new friends. As planned I kept Chaos away from the rings, I took him into the exercise area and into Jackie's garden in the camping area and he was OK with that. He even went for an off lead walk with 9 other doggies and was very well behaved and came back.
Brian and chaos have been swimming this morning so are both pretty shattered now.
We had some great news about Heidi's nose, her lump began to shrink quite quickly and on her last trip to the vets the vet was more than happy that it will go on its own with no need for an operation so we were so pleased about that. Now she just has a small mark where it had been which I think will be gone in a week or so.
Next weekend we are at Dog Vegas in Scunthorpe, just on Sunday. I only have Kody running though as Heidi has come into season 2 months early, typical! Still it gives me plenty of time to just concentrate on running him well.