Monday, 6 January 2014

Great Start to 2014

Happy New Year!

We had an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas, the dogs enjoyed lots of yummy food and treats, some nice walks along the river bank and we managed to fit in one training session on a day with nice weather. Heidi skinned her pad so she was out of action for about a week but she is recovered now and back to normal.

Yesterday we headed over to Agility Nuts Show with Chaos. It was his first time competing at full height (although he has been training full height for about 2-3 months). I entered him in 4 classes but we only ran 3 as time was getting on and I wanted to be back to take the other dogs out before dark. His agility was first, his see saw was a little bit slow, something we need to work on but his dog walk, A frame and weaves were all good. We got round clear and finished 4th!

Next was Speed and Power. You do a timed jumping section, then compete the contacts and weaves to reduce your time. We got round the jumping part clear. He had lovely contacts but for some reason I got far too close to the weaves so he couldn't actually get in them and missed his entry, when I brought him back around to do them again he jumped a nearby jump so was Eliminated.

The last class we ran was Time Fault and Out Jumping, you run a jumping course until you get a fault or the time runs out. We got round the first time clear and onto our second lap before the timer ran out and ended up in 4th place again!

So pleased with my Superstar puppy. Only the third time he has ever been in the ring and showing great potential. I don't plan to do any more shows now until April, just lots of training with all the dogs to get them ready.

Below is a video of Chaos and Kody Training: